TestRules & other utils

Some utilities and TestRules to facilitate UI and Screenshot Testing


val disableAnimations = DisableAnimationsTestRule()

// Sets the Locale of the app under test only, i.e. the per-app language preference feature
val inAppLocale = InAppLocaleTestRule("en")

// Sets the Locale of the Android system
val systemLocale = SystemLocaleTestRule("en")

val fontSize = FontSizeTestRule(FontSize.LARGEST)

val displaySize = DisplaySizeTestRule(DisplaySize.LARGEST)

val uiMode = UiModeTestRule(UiMode.NIGHT)


  1. waitForActivity Analogue to the one defined in pedrovgs/Shot. It's also available in this library for compatibility with other screenshot testing frameworks, like Facebook screenshot-tests-for-android.

  2. waitForFragment Analogue to waitForActivity but for Fragment.

  3. activity.waitForComposeView Returns the root Composable in the activity as a ComposeView. You can call later drawToBitmap or drawToBitmapWithElevation on it to screenshot test its corresponding bitmap.

  4. waitForMeasuredView/Dialog/ViewHolder(exactWidth, exactHeight) Inflates the layout in the main thread, sets its width and height to those given, and waits till the thread is idle, returning the inflated view. Comes in handy with libraries that do not support to take a screenshot with a given width/height, like Dropshots.

Prefer waitForMeasuredView over waitForView (which is discouraged), specially if using Dropshots

Inflate or measure

  1. activity.inflate(R.layout_of_your_view) Use it to inflate android Views with the activity's context configuration. In doing so, the configuration becomes effective in the view. It also adds the view to the Activity's root.

  2. activity.inflateAndWaitForIdle(R.layout_of_your_view) Like activity.inflate(...), but waits till the view is Idle to return it

Do not wrap it with waitForMeasuredView{...} or it will throw an exception.

  1. MeasureViewHelpers Analogue to the ViewHelpers defined in Facebook screenshot-tests-for-android. In most cases, you don't need to use it directly but via waitForMeasuredView(exactWidth, exactHeight), which calls MeasuredViewHelpers under the hood.

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