Since Android-Testify 3.0.0, it supports ActivityScenarios! That means, you could use AndroidUiTestingUtils ActivityScenarios for Views, Composable, etc. together with Android-Testify 3.x.x.
Android-Testify 2.x.x does not support ActivityScenario but the deprecated ActivityTestRule. So, in order to generate screenshot under different configurations, you'd need to resort to the TestRules described in this section.
Nevertheless, AndroidUiTestingUtils provides optimized ScreenshotTestRules to leverage Android-Testify tests for Fragments, Android Views and Jetpack Compose.
These are used in the upcoming examples.
In order to access them, add the following dependencies
// Available from version 2.1.0+
androidTestImplementation 'com.github.sergio-sastre.AndroidUiTestingUtils:utils:<version>'
androidTestImplementation 'com.github.sergio-sastre.AndroidUiTestingUtils:android-testify:<version>'
Use AndroidUiTestingTestRules with the standard Android-Testify ScreenshotRule